Reality bites

There is nothing like hitting a wall hard.  I had a great week going last week until my back flared up.  I took breaks as needed, then had a knee join my back in the pain parade.  The knee pain is new and not backing down.  This is when I usually feel like giving up and eating through the pain.  I don’t have that in my plans.  I have good stuff prepped, fresh and frozen.  I have legal cheats prepped, too.  I have everything I need to help me get through this next few days with little stress or deviation from my plan.

What is it about reality that bites?  I’m not as far along as I’d hoped I was.  But that’s okay.  I kept my head and heart in check just In case something went south.  I prepared for a setback just in case and think I’ll ride it out in a positive way.

I posted in one of my support groups this morning and thought I’d share it here.

Sometimes I forget that my journey is mine. It won’t necessarily be like anyone else’s and I shouldn’t compare myself to others as much as I do.

The thing I remember most now is that I only compete with my former self. Not my younger self from 20 or so year ago, but last year’s me. The me that was afraid of moving more. The me that all but gave up. Every inch I keep off my waist is a victory. Every extra step, every deeper or longer yoga pose, every extra pound I can lift are all victories.

I ramble a little when I need pain meds. I needed this reminder today as I hobble around the house. I see another day of pt instead of training. It’s okay, though. It’s what I need.

Here’s to what you need and want.

Here’s to preparing for the worst and riding through it.

Until next time, peace.


It’s been a while, eh? Holiday season, last few weeks of school, pain, and projects are harshing my mellow. But no fear, I’m getting things back under control and will be back with you regularly starting now.

How is your schedule so far?


Migraines and flares and camps, oh my! 

Pain, pain everywhere with no relief in sight.  But you know what?  I’ll live.  I’ll push until I just can’t.  I took most of the day off, meditated, medicated, and tried to relax. I cooked (just pasta and salad tonight), did laundry, and contemplated cleaning. Cleaning lost.  

I wasn’t going to post today, but decided a rambly bit would be ok.  It’s real.  Some days I just ramble.  We all have days where we sort if dial it in or go on auto-pilot,  Difference is I’m lucky enough to work for myself and my boss believes in sick days.  


A little behind – sick days rule (kinda)

Ok, so I started this blogging challenge and have every intention of getting in 30+ posts in October.  What I didn’t count on is the pain flare from hell.  I’ve been barely moving for two days now.  Sitting hurts, lying hurts, standing is near impossible.  It’s typical for me to hurt a little more a few days each month, but come on! Times like this I’m really glad I have the flex schedule I’ve always wanted.

I work every day, but not a typical 8 hour workday.  I put in 25-40 hours a week depending on what I’m working on, and most days I keep my workload down to 4-6 hours.  When pain kicks in, I cut back.  I am no good to anyone when the pain fog meets pain meds fog.  I’m not sure how this will work outside of home or with a typical schedule.  Thankfully, right now, I don’t have to find out.

On sick days, I work a little via cell.  Have I mentioned lately how much I love technology?  And automation software rules!  I can schedule posts while lucid and not worry about it.  Not worry much, anyway.  I can check email and social media from bed.   My next purchase may be Dragon Naturally Speaking so I can get more done.

As for housework, that’s what kids are for.  🙂  And my pain + med fog makes me more entertaining.  At least I think so.

And now that i’m feeling a little better, it’s time to make up for lost time.   I have a feeling that my to do list will make me consider going back to bed.

So, telecommuters. how do you handle your sick days?

Wordless Wednesday: One Face of Chronic Pain