It’s been a long year

I’m so ready for 2016 to end.  We lost so many heroes this past year.  It seemed like every day there was news of a celebrity death.  Bowie and Prince helped shape me.  Carrie Fisher was a hero because she was so fearless, open, and badass.  Rickman’s voice was silenced.

Death hit close to home, too.  My big brother was a mystery and the reason I earned a yellow belt in karate.  My pup Freddie was my baby.  Did I mention how I held her on her first ride home?

What else?  Health took a hit, wallet took another. And don’t get me started on election season.

There was good, too.  I found some answers I needed.  Teen Boy is a college freshman.  Adult Girl earned her Associate Degree in Engineering Design Graphics. We installed a programmable thermostat and did not blow a fuse or burn the house down.

All in all, I’m just ready for the fresh start for the new year.  How about you?

Here’s to a wonderful 2017. May it be healthier, happier, and better for all of us.  Salud!