It’s been a long year

I’m so ready for 2016 to end.  We lost so many heroes this past year.  It seemed like every day there was news of a celebrity death.  Bowie and Prince helped shape me.  Carrie Fisher was a hero because she was so fearless, open, and badass.  Rickman’s voice was silenced.

Death hit close to home, too.  My big brother was a mystery and the reason I earned a yellow belt in karate.  My pup Freddie was my baby.  Did I mention how I held her on her first ride home?

What else?  Health took a hit, wallet took another. And don’t get me started on election season.

There was good, too.  I found some answers I needed.  Teen Boy is a college freshman.  Adult Girl earned her Associate Degree in Engineering Design Graphics. We installed a programmable thermostat and did not blow a fuse or burn the house down.

All in all, I’m just ready for the fresh start for the new year.  How about you?

Here’s to a wonderful 2017. May it be healthier, happier, and better for all of us.  Salud!

New to me – child adoption spam

It’s not often that I come across a new spam or scam message, but I was a little thrown by one I received earlier this week.  I know families who adopt and how difficult and expensive the process is.  I know that there are scammers out there looking for prospective victims and am sickened by this message.


From: Kemi Taiwo (

Subject:  Child for Adoption

My name is Ms Kemi Taiwo from Delta State, I gave birth to triplet, 3 baby boys at once but I can;t take care of them, am orphan so I ve’ decided to give up the babies for adoption, two has been adopted by different families through the lawyer in-charge remaining one with me. Bear this in mind am not selling my baby but you will paid for adoption fee. Can you adopt and take care of him?


If you want to adopt, please go through legal means.  Contact a lawyer or agency in your area.  Do not fall for unsolicited messages.  I know how much love you have to give and how much you want a child.  This is not the way.

Happy 21st, J!

See this woman?

From Niece of Awesome's birthday party.

From Niece of Awesome’s birthday party.

She is my first born, my woman crush, my gaming buddy, my partner in geekdom, and the first person to teach me about unconditional love.  She makes my heart sing, my eyes tear and twitch, my nerves fray, and my pride meter burst.

Happy 21st birthday, J.  I love you.

2015 is trying to kill me

You know, I usually look at a new year with excitement and full of wonder.  2015 is not even one month old and I’m already over it.  We’ve lost a family member (rest well, Marie), had ER trips, expensive car repairs, tummy issues, and wonky medication issues.

But, I’m going to look at the positives.  I’ve found my stride in some ways and am focused on the short-term goals instead of making the long game the ‘be all, end all’ of things. The Girl is rocking college like a boss.  The Boy is rocking his junior year like a boss and looking forward to visiting potential colleges.  The Hubs is healing nicely on top of being a fantastic guy.  The dogs are their usual giddy selves.  The kitchen is coming along nicely and I have not injured myself while getting it together.  Netflix and Amazon Prime have killer titles available.  The bad doesn’t outweight the good, but it’s trying.

The year may be trying to kill me, but I won’t let it.

Happy birthday, guys!

Happy birthday to my daughter (20 on the 24th), husband (January 26), and baby brother (January 26)!

Photo credit:  Idea go

Photo credit: Idea go

Party on, guys!  Love you all!


It’s been a while, eh? Holiday season, last few weeks of school, pain, and projects are harshing my mellow. But no fear, I’m getting things back under control and will be back with you regularly starting now.

How is your schedule so far?


It’s an ugly word and an even uglier state.  I read an article and shared it on Facebook yesterday.  Over 300 comments later (some deleted by the poster), I’m not sure some people get it.

An upstate South Carolina soup kitchen denied an atheist group’s request to pass out care packages to the patrons.   It’s well within the soup kitchen’s rights to deny the request, but the director’s comments about it we’re anything but Christian:

“This is a ministry to serve God” she said. “We stand on the principles of God. Do they (atheists) think that our guests are so ignorant that they don’t know what an atheist is? Why are they targeting us? They don’t give any money. I wouldn’t want their money.”

I take issue with her comments and see them as bigoted.  Some agree with me and some disagree.   I understand not wanting an outside group helping in a church-sponsored facility.   I don’t understand why a difference in belief translates into ‘a disservice to the community’ when the groups share a common goal.

Is it a denial based on the myth that atheists only care about themselves?  Is it a superiority thing?  Is it just the old lesson I was taught about not associating with the unequally yoked?  I am honestly asking, not looking for a fight.

Maybe I just expect too much from people in general.  I believe we all are equal.  Our different points of view, ways of life, sizes, and flavors are beautiful.  Anytime we can recognize and celebrate our similarities is beautiful as well.

Catching up – meeting Joshua Radin!

It’s amazing to me how easily I can fall behind when hubby takes a day off.  It’s not really on him.  I enjoyed our day on Wednesday and it’s not his fault that a migraine decided to crash our rare midweek day of rest.

Hubs and I had date night and took in a concert.   We enjoyed the show, ran into a old buddy, and got to meet Joshua Radin.

w joshua radin 10-22-13

Unflattering shot all around, but I still love it. Why a red light, Music Farm?

If you haven’t heard of him, take a listen.  He was even better live.

I’ve realized that I will always look larger than I  am in pictures since my boobs are bigger than my head.

I digress,  Today’s soundtrack is Radin’s Wax Wings.  I’m old school – the CD is playing now.

What are you listening to?